Herbal Medicine Taman Syifa

Indonesian Herbal Medicine of Taman Syifa for Cancer,Uric Acid,etc

Rabu, 07 September 2011

Jati Belanda Instant for Decreasing Weight and Cholesterol

Jati Belanda Instant for Decreasing Weight and Cholesterol

jati belanda instant non sugar

Jati Belanda (Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk)contains tannin, damar, triterpen, alkaloid, karotenoid, flavonoid, and phenol acid.

Its function :
  1. Decrease weight.
  2. Decrease cholesterol, trygliserida, and fat.

How to use this product :
  1. Mix 1 sachet with a glass of hot/cold water, but better hot water if want to decrease weight and cholesterol.
  2. Stir it well.
  3. Ready to drink.

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